The Drought Relief Assistance Scheme (DRAS) is offered by the Queensland Government and administered by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF). The purpose of the scheme is to assist primary producers whose properties are drought declared to manage the welfare of their livestock during drought, and to restore their herds after drought. The Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate helps with the cost of establishing water infrastructure to supply water for emergency animal welfare needs.
To apply for this subsidy, you must meet the following conditions:
- You are a primary producer.
- You are a property owner, share-farmer or lessee in the grazing industry (beef cattle, sheep, dairy cattle, goats, deer or horses that are not normally hand-fed).
- Your property was within a State drought-declared area or had a current Individually Droughted Property (IDP) declaration on the date of the purchase tax invoice for the infrastructure.
- You have not introduced any livestock on to the property during the current drought or in the three month period prior to the drought declaration, including any livestock taken on for agistment.
- The water infrastructure is installed for grazing livestock that you own, that are permanently residing on your property and are not agisted.
- You have provided a Water Availability Statement that is approved and signed by a DAF officer that endorses your claim that there is an existing emergency animal welfare need on your property and that the water infrastructure you intend to purchase and install, or have purchased and installed, is required to resolve the emergency animal welfare need.
- You have purchased the water infrastructure within six months of the date of endorsement on your Water Availability Statement.
- Your application is received in Brisbane within six months of the tax invoice date for the infrastructure.
Find out more Water availability statement Application form Drought management plan